Loading the Knowledge Module for UNIX

Perform the following steps to load the PATROL KM for UNIX:
Access the Knowledge Module dialog box as described in Loading a KM The dialog box displays a list of available Knowledge Modules installed at your site.
Select the UNIX3.km file or the application class KM file from the list by highlighting it.
Note: You can load BASE3.km instead of UNIX3.km, which contains only the PATROL and PATROL Agent applications As a database administrator, you may find the BASE#.km file useful if you do not want to monitor UNIX parameters
Click on OK.
When the KM has loaded, PATROL enters into a discovery phase
Note: If you want to monitor log files or AIX system micropartitions, you must load the LOG.kml or VIRTUALIZATION.km file respectively.

Application discovery rules

Application discovery rules are defined using either
simple discovery
PSL discovery
Simple discovery uses simple pattern matching to find instances of the application running on the monitored computer.
PSL discovery uses complex scripts written in PATROL Script Language to find the application instances.

Triggering application discovery

Depending on the value of the application check cycle for a computer, PATROL may take a few moments to discover all the applications on a given computer.
To force the agent to discover all the applications on a given computer,
Access the PATROL Agent application menu as described in Accessing the KM menu commands.
Choose Trigger Agent Activities => Perform Application Discovery from the PATROL Agent application menu. PATROL displays the discovered applications in the icon window.