Parameter Histories

A red dot in the top left corner of a parameter icon indicates that no history exists.
To view parameter history,
With the mouse over the parameter you want to view, click on the right mouse button to choose View History from the parameter menu. The Time Span dialog box is displayed.
Enter the history span you want to see displayed on the parameter graph using the slide bars, or choose Whole Range to see all the history data collected for that parameter.
The graph for that parameter, with the history span you specified, is displayed.
Alternatively, you can view the history for a parameter by doing the following:
Displaying the parameter graph by double-clicking on the left mouse button.
Choosing Options => View History from the parameter graph window menu bar.
The Time Span dialog box is displayed.
Entering the history span you want to see displayed on the parameter graph using the slide bars or choosing Whole Range to see all the history data collected for that parameter.
The graph for that parameter, with the history span you specified, is displayed.
Related topics

Collecting parameter histories

To collect history data for a parameter using the PATROL Console for UNIX, perform the following steps.
From the List of Parameters window, select the parameter you want to gather history on.
Choose Edit => Modify from the pull-down menu or double-click on the left mouse button. The definition window for that parameter opens.
Find History Level on the definition window.
Using the left mouse button, click on the Inherited button and select Local. The slide bar is activated.
Select the number of days you want to gather history for using the slide bar.
Select OK. That parameter is now gathering history data.

Clearing parameter histories

You can clear parameter history for an application instance, application class, computer instance, or computer class. Clearing the history at the class level does not affect the history status at the local (that is, instance) level.
Note: If a parameter value exceeds its retention period, it is deleted automatically. Refer to the PATROL Console Help or the PATROL User Guide for more information on defining a history retention period.
All Computer Classes
Display the Computer Classes List window and select ALL_COMPUTERS.
Choose Attributes => Parameters to display a list of parameters defined for all computer classes.
Select the parameters for which you want to clear the history.
Choose Options => Clear History.
An Application or Computer Class
Display the relevant Classes List window and select the class for which you want to clear the parameter history.
Choose Attributes => Parameters to display the List of Parameters window.
Select one or more parameters.
Choose Options => Clear History.
An Application or Computer Instance
Display the pop-up menu for the object.
Choose Customize => Parameters to display the List of Parameters defined for the object.
Select one or more parameters for which you want to clear the parameter history.
Choose Options => Clear History.