Patrol Central Operator - Web Edition Geting Started 20899

PATROL Central - Web Edition is composed of a core console and a set of console modules
that add end-user functionality and business logic to the core. The core console provides
the basic services that are used by all components. These include common page
templates, online Help interface and a database repository.
The PATROL Central - Web Edition architecture is shown in the diagram below.

The presentation layer includes the PATROL Central - Web Edition core infrastructure and
is composed of libraries, styles, templates and applets that maintain a common look-andfeel
throughout the application. The console module components are implemented on top
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of the core infrastructure. Console modules share a common look and feel, user interaction
model, and are interoperable with other PATROL components. Console modules are usually
displayed as top-level. They can also operate with other console modules to display
functionality in other areas of the interface.
The business logic layer provides servlets, JAVA beans, and tag libraries that console module
developers can leverage when creating their own product. This layer accesses the console
server interface, which provides all the features and benefits of COS. This interface
maintains connection-related information with the console server and presents the console
server object model to the PATROL Central - Web Edition components. It serves as an
interface to the data to manage PATROL objects (managed systems, Knowledge Modules,
parameters) rather than interfacing directly with COS.
User profile information and Web site metadata are stored in a small database repository
which is shipped with the product.

Patrol Central Web Edition

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