What information is required when raising cases?

Issue: Installation Logs%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\BMCINSTALL\ _.log$HOME/BMCINSTALL/_.log

Issue: PATROL Console Server %PATROL_ROOT%\log\cserver\cserver-.log$PATROL_ROOT/log/cserver/cserver-.log

Issue: Rtserver%RTHOME%\log\rtserver.log$RTHOME/log/rtserver.log

PATROL Central Operator Web Edition%BMC_ROOT%\WebCentral\jakarta-tomcat\logs$BMC_ROOT/WebCentral/jakarta-tomcat/logs

Patrol Agent Debug

./PatrolAgent -debug 0 > /tmp/PAdebug.txt 2>&1

Windows: A. Stop the PatrolAgent service. B. Change the startup to manual C. On services dialog enter the following in the Startup parameters box:-debug all,file=c:\temp\debug.txt D. Start the service If you need to put a size limit then execute the following...-debug ALL,file=C:\\patrol_agent_debug_output.txt,count=1000

This is a Diagnostic utility that obtains information in the following order:
%DUMP KM_LIST%PSLPS%DUMP CONSOLES%DUMP CHANNELS%SETOS environment variablesInstalled KM versionsAll Agent error logs located in %PATROL_HOME%\BMC Software\Patrol3\logAgent configuration variablesPlease see .readme for execution instructions.

UNIXIf running 9.0.00 or higher version of PKM for Unix the following diagnostics would be a good start for any Unix Agent/KM related problem.Capture Unix Diagnostics (UNIX OS => KM Commands => Debug and Diagnostics => Capture Unix Diagnostics) - Select all log files. This file contains a multitude of information that will be used to help resolve the issue.

PM Version informationWindows:\Patrolagent –version. UNIX: /opt/bmc/Patrol3/PatrolAgent -vWindows:\Rtserver –version . UNIX:/opt/bmc/Patrol7/?Windows:\Cserver –version. UNIX: /opt/bmc/Patrol7/?To Determine the PATROL KM Version1. From the PATROL console, access the top-level KM application.2. Right-click the application and select the menu command InfoBox.The PATROL KM version is displayed next to KM Version.

OS Information
What Platform/OS? UNIX – e.g. Solaris, oslevel, uname –a, cat etc/redhat-release.
Windows SP.